A student-centered education system is applied at our university. In this system, all the activities students carry out to achieve success in their courses are evaluated and credited (such as theoretical and applied hours of courses, class attendance, laboratory activities, projects, assignments, exams, and the time spent to finish projects, etc.).
All our departments/programs offer students the opportunity to carry out practice in their fields with the infrastructure and equipment they provide. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which reflects the studies carried out by students to complete their education successfully, enhances national and international recognition and facilitates the acceptance of credits that students accumulate throughout their academic studies at home and abroad. This system is also preferred in national/international business areas.

With this system, students of our university can clearly see what they will learn in an academic year, how they will learn, where they will practice what they have learned, who will be teaching them, how they will use their course achievements in their professions, and their future competencies. As a result, our students are informed at the beginning of their studies about their potential achievements after graduation by examining their program and learning about the outcomes.