E-Mail Services

Istanbul Kültür University Information Systems and Technologies Department offers e-mail service to our STUDENTS and STAFF... 

You can access the İKÜ corporate e-mail service on the internet at https://mail.iku.edu.tr When logging into your e-mail account, you must enter your e-mail address in the username field and your UNIPASS password in the password field. You can get help from the Support Unit at your IST office to access your corporate email through Microsoft Outlook.

e-posta giriş görseli


You can access your student e-mail address by clicking on the "Office 365" icon at http://login.iku.edu.tr as well as through https://login.microsoftonline.com The İKÜ Student e-mail service is a Microsoft Office 365 application. For this reason, you can access the services provided from any location with internet access.

When logging in, you can access the login page by going to http://login.iku.edu.tr and clicking on the "Office 365" icon as shown in the picture below.


If you want to access it using https://login.microsoftonline.com the following page will open. You need to enter your e-mail address as the username on this page. Your e-mail address is in the format studentID@stu.iku.edu.tr.



Last Update Date: Tue, 10/01/2019 - 16:12